wow this is great and i need to see that movie now i remember doin some kinda construction job in a Vermont industrial park in mid 80's when "Psycho Killer" first caught my ear off radio and over years i held them at bay like strange insects which fascinate until they just took over a certain part of brain and you channel that so well here with this piece honest ie "you may find yourself..." in a home or place you might trade off but its the spiritual that makes it real of value

hell ilve in florida panhandle 5 months a year and its as foreign sometimes after 20 years to me as Ok. might be but always delivers new gifts demands another perspective

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She loves to Zumba!!!

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Totally going to cue up "Stop Making Sense" - thanks for the reminder, Andrea! I believe I saw it at a theater in Cambridge, circa 1986, the same theater I attended my first Rocky Horror PS. It IS funny how something you were just iffy about back in the day suddenly becomes a new favorite, like an old jacket or sweater you suddenly fall in love with (before it was too baggy, now it's just right... 🐽🤣💗)

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Definitely watch the new version of you have the chance. Our younger selves only knew what we knew, you know?

And yeah I’ve “grown into” a few things recently… 😬

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Sounds like a film for anybody who loves music would need to see.

Sorry about the news from your family.

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Even if you don't go see it in the theater, watch it at home with the sound turned up to 11 and get ready to dance it out. :)

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Heather doesn’t let me dance any more!

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Haha! But she probably goes out sometimes…

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