Hmm. I generally have an excellent memory, but also scored high on an online autism test, so I'll just be over here proudly polishing my Weirdo badge. ;) Your writing schedule is astonishing, ambitious, absolutely mind-blowing! I've never been able to set word quotas, or at least, have never fulfilled them - they usually get tossed out the window after a couple of days...
we don't have to stick to our schedules literally, but i think it's good to try to have one, as an author. and you have plenty of goals you hit, regarding all you substack projects and whatnot!
Hmm. I generally have an excellent memory, but also scored high on an online autism test, so I'll just be over here proudly polishing my Weirdo badge. ;) Your writing schedule is astonishing, ambitious, absolutely mind-blowing! I've never been able to set word quotas, or at least, have never fulfilled them - they usually get tossed out the window after a couple of days...
i have a GREAT memory ... about some things. :)
we don't have to stick to our schedules literally, but i think it's good to try to have one, as an author. and you have plenty of goals you hit, regarding all you substack projects and whatnot!
Thanks for the shout out, Andrea! :)
You're the best!